Abdelrahman Boda Sadallah

NLP MSc student, MBZUAI, Abu-Dhabi - BSc from ENG-ASU, Egypt.


Masdar City, Abu Dhabi

Hi, I am Abderlrahman “Boda” Sadallah, first-year MSc student at NLP Department, MBZUAI. I am working under the supervision of Prof. Ted Briscoe and Dr. Ekaterina Kochmar. My research interests span the field of Arabic NLP, specially Grammatical Error Correction (GEC)

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Jul 15, 2024 Participated as a member of the scientific jury for the first International Olympiad for Artificial Intellegence (IOAI)
Jul 15, 2024 Attended Estern European Machine Learning Summer School (EEML) in Nova Sad, Serbia.
May 21, 2024 Started Summer internship at UKP, TUD
Aug 21, 2023 Started MSc in NLP at MBZUAI.
Jul 01, 2023 Puplished ANER paper on IMSA, IEEE

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selected publications

  1. ANER: Arabic and Arabizi Named Entity Recognition using Transformer-Based Approach
    Abdelrahman Boda Sadallah , Omar Ahmed , Shimaa Mohamed , and 3 more authors
    In 2023 Intelligent Methods, Systems, and Applications (IMSA) , Jul 2023
  2. ArabicMMLU: Assessing Massive Multitask Language Understanding in Arabic
    Fajri Koto , Haonan Li , Sara Shatnawi , and 10 more authors
    Jul 2024