
NLP Specialization

Notebook for coursera's NLP Specialization

Course 1: Classification and vector Spaces

Weak 4


  • We can use hashing to search for the K-nearest vectors, to heavily reduce the searching space

Locality senstive hashing

  • the idea is to put items that are close in the vector space, in the same hashing buckets

  • we can create a set of planes and calculate the relative position of points compated to this plane and then we can calculate the hash value for this point accordingly

  • but how can we be sure, that the planes that we chose are the perfect set to seperate our space, we can’t be sure of that, so we create a multi sets of random planes and every set would get us a different way to seperate our words

Course 2: Probabilstic Models

Week 1: Autocorrect

  • to make a simple auto-correction system, you need to perform 4 simple steps:
    • you need to identify the miss spelled words
    • get the n edit distance correct words
    • filter these candidates for correct words in the dictionary
    • change miss spelled word with one that has the highest probability

Week 2: POS using Viterbi algorithm

  • Part of Speech Tagging (POS) is the process of assigning a part of speech to a word
  • You can use part of speech tagging for:
    • Identifying named entities
    • Speech recognition
    • Co-reference Resolution
  • You can use the probabilities of POS tags happening near one another to come up with the most reasonable output.

Markov Chains:

  • You can use Markov chains to identify the probability of the next word.
  • calculate transmission probability
  • calculate emission probability

Viterbi algorithm

  • calculates a probability for each possible path
  • a probability for a given state, is the (transition probability * emission probability)
  • total probability of the path, is to product of all states probabilities
  • we use a top down dynamic programming algorithm to build the paths matrix
  • we use sum of logs instead of product of probabilities, to avoid converging to zero values

Week3 Autocomplete

N-Gram models:

  • it’s a language model that predicts probabilities of sentences depending on the probabilities of their N-grams
  • to capture the context of beginning end ending of the sentences, we add start and end tokens to each sentence


  • a measure to calculate how complex a sentence is
  • humans type low preplex sentences

out of vocab words and smoothing

  • we can add UNK token for unseen words in the vocab
  • we can apply smoothing of interpolation for unseen Ngrams

Week4: Word vectors using Bag of Words method

  • we can use self-supervised learning in predicting the next word, to learn the weight matrix

  • word2vec

    • continuous bag-of-words
      • predicts a word in context
    • continuous skip-gram
      • tries to predict the words surrounding input word
  • Global Vectors (GloVe)

    • factorizes the corpus word co-occurrence matrix
  • fastText

    • based on skip-gram model
    • support out-of-vocab words
  • Advanced word embedding methods

    • Deep Learning, contextual embedding
    • BERT
    • ELMO
    • GPT-2

Continuous Bag-of-Words Model

  • you choose a center word, and a context words around it, and try to predict the centered word
  • we model the words by one-hot encoding
  • then we prepare the input training example feature to be an average of the one-hot vectors of the context words, and the label would be one-hot vector of the center word
  • after training the model, the word embedding is one of the weight matrices, or an average of them


  • Intrinsic evaluation
    • test the relationships between words
    • Analogies
    • Clustering
    • Visualizing
  • Extrinsic evaluation
    • test the embedding on the end task you want to perform (ex. Sentiment Analysis)
    • evaluates actual usefulness of embeddings
    • time consuming
    • more difficult to troubleshoot