CS480/680 Intro to Machine Learning
Lecture 12
Gausain process
- infinite dimentional gaussian distribution
Lecture 16
Convolution NN
- a rule of thumb: to have many layers with smaller filters is better than having one big filter, as going deep captures better features and also uses fewer parameters
Residual Networks
- even after using Relu, NN can still suffer from gradient vanishing
- the idea in to add skip connections so that we can create shorter paths
Lecture 18
LSTM vs GRU vs Attention
- LSTM: 3 gates, one for the cell state, one for the input, one for the output
- GRU: only two states, one for output, and one for taking weighted probablitiy for the contribution of the input and the hidden state
- takes less parameters
- Attention: at every step of producing the output, create a new context vector that gives more attention to the importat input tokens for this output token
Lecture 20
takes different input and generates the same output
used in:
- compression
- denoising
- sparse representation
- data generation
Lecture 21
Generative models
Variational autoencoders
- idea: train the encoder to sample a fixed distribution ,
- we want the network to sample a fixed distribution that is close to the distribution of the encoder, so that it generate similar outputs to the input, but not the same
Lecture 22
Ensemble Learning:
- the idea is to combine the hypothesis of several models to produce a better one
- choose the class the majority votes
Weighted majority
- decrease the weight of corrlelated hypothesis
- increase the weight of good hypothesis
- idea: when an instance is missclassified by hypothesis, increase its weight so that the next hypothesis is more likely to classify it correctly
- can boost a weak learner
- makes weighted training set, so that it can focus on missclassified examples
- at the end generate weighted hypotheses based on the acc of each hypothsis
- Advantages:
- no need to learn perfect hypothesis
- can boost any weak learning algo
- boosting is very simple
- has good generalization
Netflex challenge 2006
Lecture 23
Normalizing flows
Lecture 24
Gradient boosting
- boosting for regression