Lecture two
P value:
determines if some numbers have realationship, or they are random (whether they are independat or dependant)
suppose we have the temp and R (transmitity) values of a 100 cities in China and we want to see if there's a relation between them.
then we generate many sets of random numbers for each parameter then we calculate the P value which would tell us what's the percentage this slope is a random, and that ther's no relation
A P-value is the probability of an observed result assuming that the null hypothesis (there's no relation ) is true
PS: P-value also is dependant on the size of the set u used, so they don't measure the importance of the result.
so don't use P-values
If the P value is > 0.5 then we sure that these daata have no ralation, and if the p-value is so small, then there's a chance that the data have a relation
Lecture three
In the course video and book, we built a bear classifier, using data from Microsoft Ping Api.