
Deep Learning Papers Summarization

A Summary of DL papers

Decoupled Neural Interfaces using Synthetic Gradients

  • In NN, the training process, has 3 bottle-necks
    • forward lock: you need to calculate teh output of the previous layer before you can can go into next layer in forward pass
    • backward pass: the same, but for backward propagation
    • weights lock: you can’t update weights unless you do for weights in next layer
  • the paper trying to unlock these bootle-necks by decoupling each layer, to be sufficient alone
  • it does that by introducing, a Synthetic Gradient Model, that can predict the gradient for the current layer, without waiting for the gradient of the next layer
  • this was we can calculate gradient and update weights as soon as we calculate the activation of the current layer

Synthetic Gradient Model

  • can be just a simple NN that is trained to output the gradient of the layer

  • it can be trained using the true gradient, or even the synthetic gradient of the next layer

  • it’s important that the last layer computes the true gradient, as in the end we must have a ground truth to can calculate a true loss, and the NN would actually train

  • we can have also synthetic model for forward pass, that works with the same idea

A Roadmap for Big Models

  • We are in the Era of Big Models
  • Model generalization is hard, models trained on certain data domain, doesn’t scare to other
  • Datasets creation, and high research tasks, made it hard for small companies to train task-specific models
  • Big models solve thees issues.

Big Models

  • Big-data driven
  • Multi-task Adaptive
  • can fine-tuned with few-shot learning

Data issues

  • data bias
  • data duplication
  • data has to cover all domains
  • low quality data
  • hard to create huge datasets


  • a new way to represent data
  • we represent knowledge as knowledge graphs
  • KG consists of: Instances, Relation, Concept, and Values
  • KG can be created using : experts, wiki-based knowledge graphs, or extracted from unstructured texts

KG Completion and Integration

  • most of the known KGs has many fields empty, and there’s a going research in how to deal with that and fill the gaps.
  • some methods try to do that using intra-graph knowledge augmentation or with inter-graph.

Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models

Forward diffusion process: gradually keep adding noise to the original image till it’s destroyed

  • the main task is to reverse the noising procedure, so then we can learn the underlying data distribution, then we can generate images from it

  • instead of calculating the steps of the forward diffusion process sequently, we can combine all the steps in one step, by sampling from a distributuion which have mean of the product of all means in each step

$\begin{aligned} q(x_t | x_0) = x_t \sim \mathcal{N}( \sqrt{\bar \alpha} x_0 , (1 - \bar \alpha ) \mathcal{I})\end{aligned}$