- If you have inherited from parent class then you should call the parent class constructor if you overload it, or simply doesn’t overload it
Multiple Inheritance
when we inherit from two or more classes, whatever class we inherited first(typed first in the list), would be the one to have pariority
- if the two parent classes have the same function, then Method Resolution Orded (MRO) makes the fist class method to be the one called
if we override a function from the parent class in the child class, the cild class has the pariority
to call the both finctions, then we can call the parent class from the child class directly
- ex: in the child class we can do:
- ex: in the child class we can do:
single underscore (Before): used for internal variables
double undescore (After): used also for internal scopes only, and also tells python to change the variable name(mangling)
underscore (After): helps avoid conflicts with key words ex(class*, int*, etc)
underscore (Before and Afer): used for thing like __init**, __main**, etc
- so in this example we decorated a function (print_name), which means we gonna pass the deocared function as a paramemter to the decorator
- so with decorator, we call our function in the inner function, the decorate it, then return the decorated function
- used when u wanna decorate a multiple function with the same, suppose you have an add and multiply function, and you want to print something at the beginig of them, so you crate a decorator that does that, and decorate the two functions with that.
- for custom classes, or structures, you can do operators overloads
- but there’s also reversed operators when python can’t handle operations
- ex: class.__rmul()