
A glimpse into PyTorch Autograd internals

Trying to understand some errors we get, while using pyTorch


Here, we are going to discuss the internals of PyTorch Autograd module. The most of us don’t have to know about this. I was the same till I came across this error:

unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'float' and 'NoneType'

This came from executing the following code:

import torch
a = torch.tensor(5.0, requires_grad=True) * 0.1
b = torch.tensor(2.0, requires_grad=True)
c = a + b
a += + 0.1 * a.grad

But why? We defined that the gradient of a should be calculated by putting requires_grad to be True!

After some investigation, the error was due to that a.grad is None. But why is that the case? When we multiplied a by 0.1 we internally created a new tensor that is intermediate. And by default, PyTorch only populate gradients for leaf tensors only.


These are some notes to help understand the internals of PyTorch, and its Autograd module, and why did we get this error.

To know more about this, in a more structured way,read this blog post here

  • requires_grad tells PyTorch, if it should save the forward results, to use it to calculate the gradients.

  • All tensors with requires_grad is False are leafs tensors.

  • Tensors with requires_grad is True are leafs only if they are created by the user, and not as a result by a mathematical expression for example.

  • When a tensor is created as a result of an operation on a few tensors, then it would be leaf if and only if all the tensor used to generate it has requires_grad set to False, as only then, the requires_grad for this tensor will be set to False, and as we mentioned above, it will be a leaf.

  • For a tensor to have tensor.grad populated, it must have requires_grad to be True, and it must be a leaf.

  • You can’t change the requires_grad for non-leaf tensors. They are set automatically according the tensors used in the operation creating them

  • PyTorch doesn’t allow updates(in-place) on leaf tensors if the requires_grad is set to True, as it causes troubles in the backward pass.

  • What does it mean, that Autograd will not populate the gradient for a tensor?

    • Here’s what the backward graph does while calculating and propagating the gradient:
      • If this tensor has requires_grad set to False, then this tensor is not part of the backward graph, and it will do nothing.
      • If the tensor has requires_grad set to True, and is_leaf set to False, this means that this is an intermediate tensor that came off an operation. In this case, Autograd doesn’t populate the grad attribute for this tensor, and just propagate the gradient to the operation that generated this tensor (to grad_fn.)
      • Lastly, if the tensor is a leaf, and has requires_grad set to True, then Autograd calculates the accumulated grad value, and puts it in grad field for the tensor.
    • There’s an amazing video explaining this here

Now for the Solutions:

There are two solutions for this:

  1. call a.retain_grad(), which tells PyTorch to keep the grad for this tensor anyway.
    • Note: this solution is not fast.
  2. remove requires_grad from the initialization of the tensor, and then do it explicitly in a separate step.
  3. wrap the weight update under torch.no_grad, and I will explain why we need this step below.
import torch
a = torch.tensor(5.0) * 0.1
b = torch.tensor(2.0, requires_grad=True)
a.requires_grad = True
c = a + b
with torch.no_grad():
    a += + 0.1 * a.grad

Normal training

Here’s another script for a training a network with just one neuron. Our normal training system, would be something like this:

# Input
a = torch.tensor(2.0)
# weight
w = torch.tensor(3.0, requires_grad=True)
# bias
b = torch.tensor(2.0, requires_grad=True)

for _ in range(10):
    # forward pass
    c = a * w +  b
    # backward pass
    # weight update
    w =   w +  0.1*w.grad

This will not work!!

As we said, the weight update line, will produce an intermediate tensor, which the grad will not be populated for. That’s why we all wrap our weight updating steps under torch.no_grad() context, and do in-place calculation,which tells PyTorch not to keep track of these operations in the grad calculations, and thus the weights tensor will remain a leaf tensor.

    with torch.no_grad():
        w +=   0.1*w.grad
  • so we use torch.no_grad() for two main reasons:
    1. we don’t need to include the weight update operation in the gradient graph.
      • although, we zero our gradient before every backward pass, but this weight update step will add a new branch in the gradient calculations for the weights tensors,and this will mess with the calculations.
    2. we need to be able to do in-place operation, and so, our tensor will remain a leaf, and Autograd will keep populating its gradient.


At last, we usually, use pre-built optimizers for the training step, or we even use a trainer, which make the things way easier. This was just a try to go back to the basics and trying to understand the roots of the problem.
